
Blues vs Reds

I went to a Rugby game a couple weeks ago. It was the local Blues vs the visiting Reds. These teams are in the Super 14 league and several players on the Blues play on the All Blacks as well (higher league). Eden Park was a nice stadium, it's about 3 miles south of where I live. This rugby game live wasn't as exciting as baseball, basketball, or the Gaelic sports. I was interested for about 25 minutes when I still learning the game, but it has two 40 minute halves and their ends up being a lot of standing around. I'm excited about the All Blacks game coming up in June. The stadium should be packed and people get crazy for their games, so it'll be a good time for sure. This game did have this crazy opening ceremony where Bluebeard the Pirate comes out shooting sparks and fireworks. They had cheerleaders who were just awful dancers and seemed to piss off the true fans. One dad a little behind me trained his kids to yell at the cheerleaders to 'Get off the rugby zone!'

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